About this site

Home education is legal in much of the world, and well-regarded by many employers and universities. All research shows that most children flourish when enabled to learn at their own pace, following their own interests.
Cyprus does not currently allow home education. Some families have home educated anyway, believing their children’s welfare and education is more important than obeying the letter of the law. However many more decide to move away from the island, so that parents can fulfil their educational responsibilities according to the ages, abilities and aptitudes of their children.
Home education is, therefore, not widely known in Cyprus. This site attempts to demonstrate to the general public that it is a viable, positive option for families who are able to do it, particularly those whose children do not thrive in a school classroom.


  1. I read somewhere that the current law is that if both parents and the children are not from Cyprus, then they are free to homeschool. Do you know if that is true ?

  2. No, that's never officially been the case. Before Cyprus was in the EU, nobody really minded what ex-pats did, and some of the authorities were okay with it, although legally we should have had permission. However in the past ten years or so, rules have become stricter, and they're not allowed to distinguish between Cypriots and other Europeans. People from other countries require visas to live in Cyprus, and to get a visa for children, school registration is required. Hence this site...

  3. I'm a Cypriot and I want to homeschool my children. Can't we do something for the law to change? It's so unfair for the Government to decide what and how our children should be educated. Cyprus is well behind in their mindset from other countries.
